Maxene Magalona responded to those who kept asking her about having a baby. In her statement on Facebook page, she reposted the question, "Ms. Maxene, why haven't you had a baby yet?
She said it is likely the most frequeant question individuals on social media ask about life. She experienced this with strangers who took pictures with her and asked about it.
"This is one of the questions that I get asked the most on social media and in real life. Random strangers would go up to me for a photo and ask me this question as a form of small talk. I get it.", she captioned her post.
She added, "Humans are naturally curious about each other, and especially when the person’s job entails them to become a public figure, we think we are entitled to know every little thing about what’s going on in their lives."
Maxene expressed clarification to this question. First, for her, this question is very awkward, invasive, and rude.
"First of all, let me clarify that getting asked this question can be very triggering for some. It is awkward, invasive, and can be a bit rude. Some women (and men) biologically can’t have children and some don’t even want to have them in the first place. So I encourage those of you who are used to asking this question to try to break the cycle and stop it if you can. We should all be asking each other, “How are you?” instead of these personal questions."
Secondly, she wanted to show that her life is definitely okay with her present situation. She might encounter problems in life but she chose to surrender all these to God's plan.
Second, I want to put it out there that I am 100% okay with my current life situation. Yes, there have been a lot of rough and painful times but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I understand that this is my unique journey and I simply choose to surrender to God’s plan.
"Second, I want to put it out there that I am 100% okay with my current life situation. Yes, there have been a lot of rough and painful times but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I understand that this is my unique journey and I simply choose to surrender to God’s plan."
Thirdly, she encouraged those people who haven't a child yet to realize everything before doing what society used to say or do. She wanted people to understand what's inner work and healing before having a child.
"Third, I would like to take this opportunity to use my voice to encourage all of you (especially those who don’t have children yet) to consciously ask yourselves if you truly want to have kids or if you’re just following what everyone else in society is doing? Are you just bored? I highly recommend looking within first, check to see if you’ve done enough inner work + healing for you to be able to have kids and get real with yourself about your intentions. If you want to have kids but refuse to heal your childhood wounds, believe me when I say that you will end up unconsciously passing these on to your children. If you don’t want to have kids but still do it anyway because of pressures of society, you will end up resenting yourself and your children as well."
Maxene also stated to research "conscious coupling and "conscious parenting" to save future children from pain.
"So please research on “conscious coupling” before you get into relationships and marriages and “conscious parenting” before having children to save yourselves from unnecessary heartaches."