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Indonesian Woman Must Pass 'Two-Finger' Virginity Test Before Joining Police - Report

Indonesian women who wish to join the police force are likely to pass a physical exam according to a report. Well, this time a two finger are to be inserted into the aspiring police officer vagina in order to ensure that the hymen is still intact.

The tests are performed to ensure that only women who are morally fit could join the police - despite that such method is a long proven inaccurate.

                  Image from @pns.gokil Instagram

Despite of international pressure from human rights organizations, still the practice for vaginal and hymen testing exist as a key procedure before entering the police, this was according to the study publish by Sharyn Graham Davies of the Auckland University of Technology.

Virginity is not just only a qualification but aspirant women must be beautiful. According to a news in, a former aspirant named Zakia told Human Rights Watch Group that she failed her test when she tried to join the police earlier this year.

Zakia claimed that the person who test her virginity was not conducted by a medical doctor.

"They didn't just insert their fingers into my vagina, but also into my anus. They kept probing... it was extremely painful," she said.

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The officer told her to come clean, but insisted she was a virgin. Then the interview ended up she failed the second round of the application process.

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"Every time I remember what happened, I cry ... I feel like I don't want to live anymore."

Zakia was a martial arts athlete who said that over the years she has had to do many splits and other exercises which may have ripped her hymen.

"Once, I fell and my vagina hit a block of wood, but I don't know whether my hymen broke," she said.  

Bust size and other body measurements are also recorded by male police, and female recruits parade in front of a male selection committee where the applicants beauty will be judge. In addition police woman are not allowed to marry in their first two years of service.

Once married, a police woman must present a letter of permission from her husband. As female officers is getting old, they will be eliminated from their public post as they no longer fit the profile of a virginal beauty.

Dr. Davies said that deploying pretty policewomen in high visibility roles is considered as a public relations exercise to reform the image of the corrupt policeman, rather than to push the narrative of a pure and pious female force.

The hashtag #polwancantik which means pretty policewoman has been used over 90,000 times in Instagram.


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