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8 Signs your body will warn you before heart attack

Knowledge is power and prevention is better than cure, a saying that will applies to everyone of us, especially when symptoms are not properly acknowledged.

Your body will warn you by these 8 signals for a month before heart attack might occur. This awareness will help you manage yourself and do the right thing before will end up to a worst scenario.

1. Chest pain - Everybody experience chest pains in different intensities and forms. In men, this symptom refers to the most important early signs of an impending heart attack that should not be ignored. On the other hand, it affects only 30% of women. Chest pain can expand to uncomfortable sensations in one or both arms (more often to the left arm), the lower jaw, neck, shoulders, or stomach. It may have a permanent or temporary character.

2. Excessive perspiration - Unusual or excessive sweating is an early warning signs of a heart attack. It might occur at any time. This symptom affects women more often and is usually confused with the hot flashes or night sweats typical of menopause. This is flu-like symptoms, clammy skin, or sweat occurring regardless of air temperature or physical exertion. Sweating seems to be more excessive at night.

3. Fatigue - Unusual fatigue is one of the main symptoms that indicates an impending heart attack. Women are more likely to report this type of symptom than man.

4. Abdominal pain - Abdominal pains, empty/ full stomach nausea, feeling bloated, or an upset stomach are several of the most common symptoms. They are equally likely to occur among women and men.

5. Insomnia - Insomnia is also associated with an increased risk of a hert attack or stroke, which is more common among women. Insomnia features often include a high level of anxiety and absentmindedness.

6. Shortness of breath - Dyspnea, or breathlessness, is a strong feeling of being unable to draw a deep breath. It often occurs among both men and women for up to 6 months prior to having a heart attack.

7. Hair loss- Losing your hair is considered to be at risk, another visible indicator of heart disease. Most commonly it affects men over 50, but some women may also be in the risk group. Baldness is also associated with an increased level of the hormone cortisol.

8. Irregular heartbeat - Skipped beats are often accomppanied by a panic attack and anxiety, especially among women. It appears unexpectedly and reveals itself differently. Physical exercises might give an extra stimulus to the increase of heart rat, especially in cases with atherosclerosis disease.

New study have discovered a new symptom that could be a sign that a heart attac is imminent. After examining materials that were blocking the coronary arteries of a number of patients, a team of scientist and medical experts at Michigan State University confirmed that t was cholesterol - in the form of crystals. They found that this particular type of hardened cholesterol was found in over 89 % of emergency room cases.

The expansion inside the wall of the artery can tear it and block blood flow causing a heart attack or stroke.

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