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Strawberry Moon eclipse will be visible on June 5

A 'Strawberry' moon eclipse will be visible in parts of the world between June 4 & 5, 2020. The extra-special full moon combined with lunar eclipsed is said to be closer to the red supergiant star Antares - a brightest star in the constellation.

North America is perfect place to experience the Strawberry Moon at its finest.The lunar eclipse will be visible from parts of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa including other regions in the Pacific, Atlantic, and the Indian Ocean.

“Strawberry Moon” comes from the ripening of the juicy summer fruit, but June’s full moon is also sometimes called the “Hot Moon” and the “Rose Moon.”

 A total penumbral lunar eclipse is a lunar eclipse that occurs when the Moon becomes completely immersed in the penumbral cone of the Earth without touching the umbra.

The path for the Moon to pass within the penumbra and outside the umbra is very narrow. It can only happen on the Earth's northern or southern penumbral edges. 

In addition, the size of the penumbra is sometimes too small where the Moon enters it to contain the Moon. The width of the Earth's penumbra is determined by the Sun's triangular diameter at the time of the eclipse, and the Moon's angular diameter is larger than the Sun over part of its elliptical orbit, depending on whether the eclipse occurs at the nearest (perigee) or farthest point (apogee) in its orbit around the Earth.

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