After a thorough review to Netflix's series "Pine Gap", Philippine authorities has lodged a complaint for showing on the movie China's illegal nine-dash line which claim almost part of the West Philippine Sea.
The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) ordered the removal of the episodes.
"In its decision, the MTRCB underscored that "under a whole-of-nation approach, every instrumentally of the government, wherever presented with the opportunity, has the responsibility to counter China's aggressive actions in the West Philippine Sea to assert the Philippines' territorial integrity," the statement read.
‼️READ‼️ #DFAStatement on the Political Drama “Pine Gap” Ordered by MTRCB to Immediately Pull Out Episodes with China’s Illegal Nine-Dash Line:
— DFA Philippines (@DFAPHL) November 1, 2021
The decision "further noted that the portrayal of the illegal nine-dash line in Pine Gap is no accident as it was consciously designed and calculated to specifically convey a message that China's nine-dash line legitimately exists."
Following the decision by the MTRCB which is handed down on Sept. 28, 2021, popular video streaming giant platform immediately complied with the ruling by pulling out the two episodes depicting China's declared territory.
The series Pine Gap tells the story of a joint defense unit set up by the US and Australia where spies work with, and against each other," according to Netflix.