Mark Zuckerberg has announced that Meta is set to have the world's fastest AI supercomputer by the end of 2022 bringing its plans to build a virtual metaverse a reality.
"Meta has developed what we believe is the world's fastest AI supercomputer... We're calling it RSC for AI Research SuperCluster and it'll be complete later this year," Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a statement on Monday.
He said in a blogpost that the metaverse is a concept that blends the physical and digital world via virtual and augmented reality, and it will require "enormous" computing power.
Currently, the AI supercomputer is already the fifth fastest in the world, the company claimed. But once completed, RSC would be the world's fastest followed by Japan's Fujitsu, IBM Summit (US), IBM Sierra (US), and among others.
"The experiences we're building for the metaverse require enormous compute power (quintrillions of operations/second) and RSC will enable new AI models that can learn from trillions of examples, understand hundreds of languages, and more," said Zuckerburg.
The Verge reported that RSC's development began about a year and half ago. Meta's engineers have designed various components that are used for cooling, power, networking, and cables completely from scratch.