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Rare blue sea dragon found washed up on beach, experts warn not to touch

A rare sighting of blue sea dragon has been discovered at the Padre Island off the coast of South Texas. The blue dragon or Glaucus atlanticus is a delicate creatures with a painful sting.

      Photo source Dogo News / Video

This tiny  sea slug that mostly spend their lives in the temperature and tropical waters such as Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. They are typically measures just three cetimeters long but severe - experts described.

"Blue dragons are a predator of the Portuguese man-of-war. After eating, they move the stinging cells from the man-of-war to the end of their "fingers." Because they are able to concentrate the stinging cells together, their sting can be more painful than a man-of-war's," the Park official said.

 "If you see a dragon in the park, be amazed as they are a rare find, but also keep your distance," it added

Many people were amazed to see the images of the rare creature, with some say it was the first time they came to know about the existence of blue dragons.

The park officials, who have never encountered the stunning blue dragons in the area before, are unsure why so many are suddenly washing ashore.

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