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These mind-controlling fungus that infected the brain of the ant shows why zombie apocalypse still possible

While we believe that zombie only exist in a movie - cause most likely by a virus as the primary cause of the deadly infection could be possible in this modern time.

Because a virus can mutate rapidly and be transmitted easily like a shocking real fungus that control the mind.

Yes, you read it right. Not a virus, not a bacteria - but a fungus.

A parasitic fungus known to manipulate the brains of ants doesn't make slavelike "zombies" out of any old host.

So how this fungus infiltrates its victim, it grows through the insect's body, draining it of  nutrients and controlling its mind.The "zombie insect" now becomes a slave to the fungus, following commands dictated by the infected brain, Then, the fungus grows with a long stalk through the ant's head, growing into a bulbous capsule full of spores. Fungal cells in the ant's head releases chemicals that hijack the insects central nervous system.

The horror never stops there, because it has the ability to scatter its spores in the forest, subsequently infecting other insects nearby. 

The video shows the parasitic fungus infecting a bullet ant. It can be seen on the video how fungus sprouts from the ant's head.

Fortunately those worker ants knows if someone is infected and they bring them far away from the colony to avoid infecting other ants.

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